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“WolfDrake” Guild

Alliance EU-Silvermoon    (armory)
Progress: 0/9
World: n/a
Realm: n/a
World: n/a
Realm: n/a

Guild Profile

Primary Language: English
Raids per week: 2
Recruiting (outdated):
all classes
With the launch of BfA raiding, WolfDrake is reemerging as a raiding guild after its hiatus, but with more casual raiding in mind. We still aim to raid 2-days/week on Silvermoon EU.

As is the case with every new expansion, casual Guilds have been cropping up with uncertain, inexperienced or inept leadership, drawing in players only to leave them dazed and confused about what raiding should be. We would aim to provide entry into the scene, as well as a home for those with more involved raiding background who are now looking to take a step back from the hardcore or semi-hardcore scene.

We plan to take our time with progress and recruitment, but still aim to complete as much as possible in a timely fashion while creating a small friendly community for everyone that takes part. Beside raiding, Mythic+ dungeons would be considered another form of guild activity. With all that said, preparedness and the willingness to learn and develop as a player and raider are encouraged traits in our prospective members.

Raid times (currently proposed):
Thursday 21h - 00h Server Time
Sunday 21h - 00h Server Time

At the moment, we're looking for more people of any class and spec. Especially looking for tanks and another healer.
All outstanding applications will be given due consideration.

You can get in contact with us through messages here, or in game:
Warrgulf: Gatsu#2954

Website: unknown
profile administrator(s): Wargulf
last updated by Wargulf 5 years ago
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  • Oct 24, 2018 Tabbia joined WolfDrake
  • Oct 24, 2018
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