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“Northrend Travel Agency” Guild

Alliance US-Doomhammer    (armory)
Progress: 0/9
World: n/a
Realm: n/a
World: n/a
Realm: n/a

Guild Profile

Primary Language: English
Raids per week: 3
Recruiting (outdated):
monk (tank)high
NTA is a 10-man progression raiding guild on the Doomhammer-US server, Alliance side.

We are recruiting all classes and specs for Mists of Pandaria. Our current raid schedule is Tuesday and Thursday from 6-10PM Mountain and Sunday 7-10PM; however, we are open to adjusting the schedule based on the needs of new team members. Prior heroic raid experience is preferred but not necessarily required.

We are also looking for anyone in any role who may not be able to guarantee 100% raid night availability but who is looking for a guild and would like to be considered a fill-in from time to time should we have a spot, as well as more casual players for guild leveling.

Northrend Travel Agency was founded over 4 years ago and is a Level 25 guild with all available guild perks. We also do things like Battlegrounds, Arenas, Heroics and alt leveling.

Anyone interested can contact me via email - hyasen AT ntaguild DOT com - (please put in your message that it's re: guild recruitment), Battletag: Hyasen#1552, contact Hyasen or Xiil in game, or put in an app at and we'll get back to you ASAP!
profile administrator(s): Jaya9581, Xiilol
last updated by Jaya9581 11 years ago
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