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“Channel V” Guild

Horde OC-Frostmourne    (armory)
Progress: 0/2
World: n/a
Realm: n/a
World: n/a
Realm: n/a

Guild Profile

Primary Language: English
Raids per week: 5
Recruiting (outdated):
druid (balance)medium
priest (dd)medium
shaman (elemental)high
Channel V is a progressing PvE guild on Frostmourne. We are Vietnamese based guild with many other Asian members. (Both English and Vietnamese are used on guild chat and vent!)

We are looking for member with good skills and connection that wants to raid and enjoy hard mode game content. Our current raid 10 core progression schedule is:

Wednesday: 11:00PM - 3:00AM server time.

Thursday: 11:00PM - 3:00AM server time.

Friday: 11:00PM - 3:00AM server time.

Saturday: 11:00PM - 3:00AM server time.

Sun: 11:00PM - 3:00AM server time

If you are interested in joining us in our progression, please contact our officers in game (Almy, Apolloier).
Website: unknown
profile administrator(s): plumpcheek, Almyz
last updated by Almyz 10 years ago
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