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“Last Word” Guild

Horde US-Ner'zhul    (armory)
Progress: 8/9 (N)
World: 28532
US: 11644
Realm: 143
World: n/a
Realm: n/a
Encounter First Kill Videos World US Realm Fastest Kill
   N: Stormwall Blockade~Feb 27, 201916505622525
   N: Mekkatorque~Feb 27, 201920553811231
   N: King Rastakhan~Feb 11, 201918526721525
   N: Conclave of the Chosen~Feb 2, 20191657565911
   N: Opulence~Feb 2, 201918322736024
   N: Jadefire Masters~Feb 2, 201920139820827
   N: Grong~Feb 1, 201919521794026
   N: Champion of the Light~Feb 1, 201919602799126

Guild Profile

Primary Language: English
Raids per week: 1
Recruiting (outdated):
all classes
    - Raid Time: Sunday 6:00pm-9:30pm Pacific Time
    - Historical Progression:
      Mythic Blackhand (20): US #105
      Heroic Garrosh (25): US #46
      Heroic Ra-Den (25): US #72
      Heroic Sha of Fear (25): US #55
      Heroic Deathwing (25): US #86
      Heroic Ragnaros (25): US #139
    - Website: (Our website is 3 things: Really expensive, Really awesome, and Really active. It speaks for itself)

About us:
    Last Word is a mythic 20 man raid guild on Ner'zhul. Since January 2011 we have been successful in maintaining a comfortable and productive raid environment. You'll be joining a motley crew of passionate people inside and outside of raiding. At our core the raiders of Last Word are a dedicated group of individuals who buckle down and get their game faces on for progression content. Our community is home to several streamers, youtubers, theorycrafters, bloggers, and a very diligent webmaster. While pushing current progression is our main target, we realize we are here to have fun playing a game with friends. We have a fantastic officer core who do a lot of work to not only ensure we keep to our progression goals, but to also keep the community healthy.

    The officers will be more than happy to answer any questions you have. Find us in-game:

    Guild Master:
      Rent | Rent#1526

profile administrator(s): seanronimo
last updated by seanronimo 7 years ago
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