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“Band Of Bandits” Guild

Horde US-Stormscale    (armory)
Progress: 7/7 (H) 3/3 (H) 10/10 (H)
World: 19269
US: 7148
Realm: 78
World: n/a
US: 25118
Realm: n/a
Encounter First Kill Videos World US Realm Fastest Kill
+ H: Gul'danMar 11, 2017 23:50864731463010m 20s
+ H: HelyaJan 14, 2017 23:469611365532
+ H: XaviusNov 2, 2016 03:581521056664605m 48s
+ H: Grand Magistrix ElisandeMar 5, 2017 00:021013337333623m 50s
+ H: High Botanist Tel'arnFeb 25, 2017 22:541059439233620m 51s
+ H: TichondriusFeb 25, 2017 22:281159143384209m 24s
+ H: Star Augur EtraeusFeb 25, 2017 22:0912578475842
+ H: KrosusFeb 25, 2017 21:551547260325808m 07s
+ H: TrilliaxFeb 4, 2017 21:451378054035206m 05s
+ H: Chronomatic AnomalyFeb 4, 2017 21:281506759746106m 18s
+ H: Spellblade AlurielJan 29, 2017 23:34798827862207m 49s
+ H: SkorpyronJan 22, 2017 23:588263301525
+ H: OdynDec 28, 2016 02:5312199444142
+ H: GuarmDec 21, 2016 04:289736339134
+ H: CenariusOct 24, 2016 00:081377751124013m 08s
+ H: Elerethe RenferalOct 23, 2016 23:381656563815633m 35s
+ H: Il'gynothOct 17, 2016 00:191332449974205m 27s
+ H: UrsocOct 16, 2016 23:1814612563351
+ H: Dragons of NightmareOct 9, 2016 23:591459056404610m 33s
+ H: NythendraOct 9, 2016 22:5119351753165

Guild Profile

Primary Language: English
Raids per week: unknown
Recruiting: unknown
Website: unknown
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  • Aug 11, 2015
  • Aug 11, 2015
  • Jul 10, 2015
  • Jul 7, 2015
  • Jun 29, 2015
  • Jun 1, 2015
  • May 23, 2015
  • May 23, 2015
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