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US-Illidan Frequent War Crimes blood elf rogue 70    (armory)
Registered to: sneakysloon - confirmed
Battletag: christianS#1921
Languages: English
Looking for guild: unknown
Raids per week: unknown
Mythic Plus Dungeons:
Specs playing: unknown
Item Level: 407.56
realm: n/a(rogue: 5791)

PvE Score: 10720.63

Mythic Plus Dungeon Role Best Result World US Score
Tol Dagor------------
The MOTHERLODE!!------------
Waycrest Manor------------
Kings' Rest------------
Temple of Sethraliss------------
The Underrot------------
Shrine of the Storm------------
Siege of Boralus------------
Operation: Mechagon - Junkyard------------
Operation: Mechagon - Workshop------------
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About Sneakysloon


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