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“wgm” Guild

Horde EU (DE)-Blackrock    (armory)
Progress: 8/9 (N)
World: 18384
EU: 9729
DE: 2710
Realm: 242
World: 17761
EU: 9162
DE: 2485
Realm: 218
Encounter First Kill Videos World EU Realm Fastest Kill
   N: Fyrakk the Blazing~Jan 21, 2024179569504237
   N: Larodar, Keeper of the Flame~Jan 21, 2024181079525242
   N: Volcoross~Jan 21, 2024181489547244
   N: Igira the Cruel~Jan 21, 2024182869641250
   N: Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame~Jan 7, 2024175949264234
   N: Smolderon~Jan 7, 2024176709290236
   N: Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle~Jan 7, 2024176169245236
   N: Council of Dreams~Jan 7, 2024176529268237

Guild Profile

Primary Language: German
Raids per week: 3
Recruiting (outdated): closed
profile administrator(s): taftvalue, taftvalue17428, Henkdabauwzz
last updated by taftvalue 1 year ago
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