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“Innuendo” Guild

Horde EU-Defias Brotherhood    (armory)
Progress: 0/9
World: n/a
Realm: n/a
World: n/a
EU: 28627
EU English: 12523
Realm: n/a

Guild Profile

Primary Language: English
Raids per week: 2
Recruiting (outdated): closed
Innuendo has decided to discontinue raiding. We would like to thank everyone that we have had the opportunity to meet or raid together with for a lot of good memories and wish you all much love and best of luck. We would also like to thank the whole Defias Brotherhood community for the support and understanding.

Some of us are now playing FF XIV on Cerberus.

It has been a great time. It really has.

profile administrator(s): Kaashji, jack445, brodinski, Zhulthar, hlson
last updated by hlson 4 years ago
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