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“IO Not IQ” Guild

Horde US-Illidan    (armory)
World: n/a
Realm: n/a
World: 48972
US: 20945
Realm: 1283

Guild Profile

Primary Language: English
Raids per week: 2
Recruiting (outdated):
deathknight (dd)low
druid (balance)high
druid (feral-dd)low
hunter (marksmanship)low
mage (fire)low
warlock (affliction)medium
IO Not IQ is a mythic raiding guild pushing for CE this tier. We have made it through heroic very quickly on a 2 night a week schedule and are looking to continue that progressing straight into mythic. We expect our raiders to know their classes well and always come prepared. Our raid times are Tuesday and Thursday from 9pm to 12am EST. Currently we are in need of strong dps for our push for CE.

Please fill out this application

And reach out to Addonexus#6956, ScenicRoutes#1792, or Ris#9837 on discord with any questions.

profile administrator(s): Rislyei, Dendaro
last updated by Rislyei 3 years ago
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