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TW-Shadowmoon 日晷之夢 night elf druid 70
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Pet Score: 10478.85
Asia: 42059 (druid: 5490)
TW: 7336(druid: 805)
realm: 2934(druid: 349)

Battle Pets Army

25Blightbreathhealth: 1587power: 268speed: 27362.10
25Dreadmawhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Sister of Temptationhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Snaplasherhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Vampiric Batlinghealth: 1481power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Emerald Whelplinghealth: 1627power: 260speed: 27362.10
25Stinkerhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Squawklinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Magical Crawdadhealth: 1887power: 260speed: 22762.10
25Bananashealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Sinister Squashlinghealth: 1465power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Tiny Sporebathealth: 1887power: 244speed: 24462.10
25Chuckhealth: 1481power: 292speed: 26062.10
25Phoenix Hatchlinghealth: 1319power: 276speed: 32562.10
25Spirit of Competitionhealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Curious Oracle Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Curious Wolvar Puphealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Nether Ray Fryhealth: 1319power: 341speed: 26062.10
25False Knucklebumphealth: 1607power: 301speed: 23662.10
25Giant Sewer Rathealth: 1400power: 341speed: 24462.10
25Darkmoon Turtlehealth: 1709power: 257speed: 25762.10
25Ghostly Skullhealth: 1627power: 305speed: 22762.10
25Penguhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Little Fawnhealth: 1546power: 240speed: 30562.10
25Mojohealth: 1627power: 244speed: 28962.10
25Lovebird Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Onyxian Whelplinghealth: 1627power: 322speed: 20862.10
25Pandaren Monkhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Core Hound Puphealth: 1627power: 322speed: 21162.10
25Frigid Frostlinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Celestial Dragonhealth: 1644power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Mini Thorhealth: 1806power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Cobalt Ravenhealth: 1481power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Dark Phoenix Hatchlinghealth: 1627power: 276speed: 25762.10
25Singing Sunflowerhealth: 1709power: 257speed: 25762.10
25Panther Cubhealth: 1302power: 289speed: 30562.10
25Lashtail Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Infernal Pyreclawhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Crimson Lasherhealth: 1400power: 292speed: 27662.10
25Hyjal Bear Cubhealth: 1562power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Lil' Tarecgosahealth: 1627power: 273speed: 26062.10
25Nutshealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Brilliant Kalirihealth: 1384power: 322speed: 25762.10
25Darkmoon Cubhealth: 1319power: 292speed: 29262.10
25Singing Crickethealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Lucky Quilen Cubhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Terrible Turniphealth: 1481power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Cinderweb Reclusehealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Mechanical Pandaren Dragonlinghealth: 1400power: 276speed: 30962.10
25Strand Crawlerhealth: 1806power: 260speed: 24462.10
25Feral Vermlinghealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Kirin Tor Familiarhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Lumpyhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Darkmoon Monkeyhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Darkmoon Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Harbinger of Flamehealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Ashstone Corehealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Untamed Hatchlinghealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Corefire Imphealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Chrominiushealth: 1644power: 276speed: 26062.10
25Fiendish Imphealth: 1359power: 289speed: 29762.10
25Phoenix Hawk Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Pocket Reaverhealth: 1587power: 305speed: 23662.10
25Tainted Wavelinghealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Mechanical Scorpidhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Stormwrathhealth: 1412power: 300speed: 27662.10
25Jademist Dancerhealth: 1441power: 292speed: 26862.10
25Dandelion Frolickerhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Iron Starlettehealth: 1546power: 305speed: 24462.10
25Deathwatch Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Molten Corgihealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Sky-Bohealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Netherspawn, Spawn of Netherspawnhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Nerubian Swarmerhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Leviathan Hatchlinghealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Chaos Puphealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Cinder Puphealth: 1237power: 341speed: 27662.10
25Left Sharkhealth: 1441power: 292speed: 26862.10
25Crusherhealth: 1441power: 333speed: 24462.10
25Ashmaw Cubhealth: 1806power: 260speed: 24462.10
25Pygmy Owlhealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Emmigosahealth: 1400power: 273speed: 30562.10
25Crispinhealth: 1319power: 322speed: 27362.10
25Fetid Wavelinghealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Risen Saber Kittenhealth: 1319power: 292speed: 29262.10
25Corgi Puphealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Shimmering Wyrmlinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Stormborne Whelplinghealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Benaxhealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Magma Ragelinghealth: 1237power: 357speed: 26062.10
25Winter Ragelinghealth: 1887power: 248speed: 24062.10
25Boneshardhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Blood Boilhealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Soulbroken Whelplinghealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Drudge Ghoulhealth: 1441power: 284speed: 27662.10
25Wicked Soulhealth: 1339power: 260speed: 33762.10
25Lost Robogriphealth: 1404power: 281speed: 29362.10
25Albatross Hatchlinghealth: 1522power: 252speed: 29262.10
25Violet Abyssal Eelhealth: 1969power: 236speed: 23662.10
25Surgerhealth: 1319power: 244speed: 35762.10
25Coral Lashlinghealth: 1380power: 336speed: 25362.10
25Bonebiterhealth: 1575power: 269speed: 27562.10
25Detective Rayhealth: 1404power: 281speed: 29362.10
25Darthealth: 1481power: 292speed: 26062.10
25Enchanted Tiki Maskhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Craghoof Kidhealth: 1465power: 264speed: 30162.10
25Inkyhealth: 1485power: 265speed: 29362.10
25Sandshell Chittererhealth: 1465power: 272speed: 29362.10
25Giggling Flamehealth: 1359power: 329speed: 26462.10
25Mustyfur Snooterhealth: 1558power: 273speed: 27162.10
25Redridge Tarantulahealth: 1319power: 268speed: 33362.10
25Treckerhealth: 1441power: 268speed: 30962.10
25Zur'aj the Depletedhealth: 1506power: 244speed: 31462.10
25Nightwreathed Watcherhealth: 1567power: 293speed: 25262.10
25Daggertooth Frenzyhealth: 1327power: 299speed: 29462.10
25Lil' Nefarianhealth: 1587power: 305speed: 23662.10
25Brilliant Glimmershellhealth: 1644power: 289speed: 24062.10
25Pearlescent Glimmershellhealth: 1786power: 260speed: 24862.10
25Skittering Eelhealth: 1367power: 263speed: 32862.10
25Scalebrood Hydrahealth: 1546power: 301speed: 24562.10
25Aqir Tunnelerhealth: 1404power: 342speed: 23662.10
25Daisyhealth: 1660power: 283speed: 24062.10
25Void-Scarred Puphealth: 1359power: 297speed: 28962.10
25C'Thufferhealth: 1680power: 269speed: 26062.10
25Void-Scarred Harehealth: 1274power: 347speed: 25762.10
25Void-Scarred Cathealth: 1522power: 305speed: 25662.10
25Void-Scarred Rathealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Muarhealth: 1518power: 314speed: 24062.10
25Pygmy Camelhealth: 1847power: 260speed: 23662.10
25Wicked Lurkerhealth: 1400power: 326speed: 25362.10
25Jade Defenderhealth: 2095power: 227speed: 21962.10
25Windfeather Chickhealth: 1197power: 310speed: 31062.10
25Void-Scarred Toadhealth: 1441power: 284speed: 27662.10
25Anomalushealth: 1034power: 362speed: 29762.10
25Void-Scarred Beetlehealth: 1481power: 292speed: 26062.10
25Reekhealth: 1481power: 292speed: 26062.10
25Trootiehealth: 1847power: 260speed: 23662.10
25Putrid Geisthealth: 1270power: 298speed: 30662.10
25Spinemaw Gormlinghealth: 1376power: 292speed: 29262.10
25Timeless Mechanical Dragonlinghealth: 1441power: 346speed: 23162.10
25Gnashtoothhealth: 1766power: 260speed: 25262.10
25Mosscoated Gromithealth: 1664power: 260speed: 27262.10
25Domestic Aunianhealth: 1485power: 273speed: 28562.10
25Black Kingsnakehealth: 1225power: 255speed: 30057.32
25Silver Tabby Cathealth: 1225power: 270speed: 27057.32
25Bombay Cathealth: 1150power: 282speed: 28257.32
25Hawk Owlhealth: 1360power: 267speed: 25257.32
25Yellow Mothhealth: 1300power: 315speed: 22557.32
25Golden Dragonhawk Hatchlinghealth: 1300power: 255speed: 28557.32
25Silver Dragonhawk Hatchlinghealth: 1285power: 237speed: 29757.32
25Willyhealth: 1375power: 255speed: 25557.32
25Wolpertingerhealth: 1435power: 267speed: 24057.32
25Magic Lamphealth: 1375power: 255speed: 25557.32
25Withershealth: 1435power: 240speed: 26757.32
25Enchanted Broomhealth: 1300power: 240speed: 30057.32
25Brilliant Sporehealth: 1300power: 267speed: 26757.32
25Gold Mini Jousterhealth: 1300power: 282speed: 25257.32
25Glittering Diamondshellhealth: 1566power: 241speed: 23757.32
25Sablehealth: 1206power: 275speed: 27857.32
25Goldenpaw Kithealth: 1206power: 308speed: 25157.32
25Gilded Darknighthealth: 1548power: 260speed: 22257.32
25Grubbyhealth: 1353power: 257speed: 25757.32
25Pernicious Bonetuskhealth: 1656power: 240speed: 22957.32
25Corpulent Bonetuskhealth: 1656power: 240speed: 22957.32
25Hungry Burrowerhealth: 1413power: 242speed: 26957.32
25Devouring Animitehealth: 1214power: 295speed: 26357.32
25Golden Cloudfeatherhealth: 1289power: 305speed: 23857.32
25Cloudfeather Fledglinghealth: 1289power: 272speed: 26557.32
25Copperback Etherwyrmhealth: 1225power: 250speed: 30557.32
25Fodderhealth: 1469power: 266speed: 22557.32
25Rabbithealth: 1213power: 185speed: 23547.77
7Toxic Wastelinghealth: 478power: 76speed: 632.89
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