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US-Hyjal Elysium goblin rogue 70
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Pet Score: 22607.40
West: n/a (rogue: 4784)
realm: 680(rogue: 27)

Battle Pets Army

25Blightbreathhealth: 1522power: 284speed: 26062.10
25Glowing Sporebathealth: 1644power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Sister of Temptationhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Snaplasherhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Tinytronhealth: 1887power: 260speed: 22762.10
25Squirrelhealth: 1465power: 257speed: 30562.10
25Arctic Harehealth: 1546power: 257speed: 29262.10
25Elfin Rabbithealth: 1465power: 224speed: 33862.10
25Grasslands Cottontailhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Fawnhealth: 1465power: 257speed: 30562.10
25Rathealth: 1400power: 244speed: 34162.10
25Adderhealth: 1319power: 289speed: 30562.10
25Fire-Proof Roachhealth: 1806power: 227speed: 27662.10
25Rabbithealth: 1546power: 257speed: 29262.10
25Highlands Mousehealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Robo-Chickhealth: 1806power: 244speed: 26062.10
25Searing Scorchlinghealth: 1384power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Mr. Grubbshealth: 1709power: 289speed: 22762.10
25Tranquil Mechanical Yetihealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Darkmoon Tonkhealth: 1627power: 273speed: 26062.10
25Terkyhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Father Winter's Helperhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Peddlefeethealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Baby Blizzard Bearhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Speedyhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Spirit of Summerhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Stinkerhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Darkmoon Zeppelinhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Magical Crawdadhealth: 1887power: 260speed: 22762.10
25Yellow Mothhealth: 1400power: 341speed: 24462.10
25Golden Dragonhawk Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 276speed: 30962.10
25Red Dragonhawk Hatchlinghealth: 1319power: 305speed: 28962.10
25Blue Dragonhawk Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Silver Dragonhawk Hatchlinghealth: 1319power: 244speed: 35762.10
25Willyhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Egberthealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Peanuthealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Sinister Squashlinghealth: 1465power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Wolpertingerhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Toothyhealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Muckbreathhealth: 1481power: 292speed: 26062.10
25Pint-Sized Pink Pachydermhealth: 1627power: 305speed: 22762.10
25Clockwork Rocket Bothealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Blue Clockwork Rocket Bothealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Tiny Sporebathealth: 1644power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Chuckhealth: 1481power: 292speed: 26062.10
25Phoenix Hatchlinghealth: 1319power: 276speed: 32562.10
25Curious Oracle Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Curious Wolvar Puphealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Tundra Penguinhealth: 1627power: 260speed: 27362.10
25Rabid Nut Varmint 5000health: 1481power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Ironbound Proto-Whelphealth: 1806power: 260speed: 24462.10
25Giant Sewer Rathealth: 1400power: 341speed: 24462.10
25Darkmoon Turtlehealth: 1709power: 257speed: 25762.10
25Ghostly Skullhealth: 1627power: 305speed: 22762.10
25Mojohealth: 1627power: 244speed: 28962.10
25Lovebird Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Tolai Hare Puphealth: 1481power: 244speed: 30962.10
25Warbothealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Macabre Marionettehealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Onyxian Whelplinghealth: 1627power: 322speed: 20862.10
25Core Hound Puphealth: 1627power: 322speed: 21162.10
25Toxic Wastelinghealth: 1562power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Perky Pughealth: 1319power: 322speed: 27362.10
25Celestial Dragonhealth: 1644power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Lil' XThealth: 1546power: 322speed: 22762.10
25Fox Kithealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Personal World Destroyerhealth: 1481power: 309speed: 26062.10
25Crawling Clawhealth: 1481power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Fossilized Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Rapana Whelkhealth: 1725power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Scarab Hatchlinghealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Lil' Deathwinghealth: 1481power: 357speed: 21162.10
25Clockwork Gnomehealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Red-Tailed Chipmunkhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Topaz Shale Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 292speed: 26062.10
25Crimson Mothhealth: 1481power: 292speed: 26062.10
25Crowhealth: 1400power: 227speed: 35762.10
25Amber Mothhealth: 1546power: 276speed: 27362.10
25Forest Mothhealth: 1627power: 260speed: 27362.10
25Dark Phoenix Hatchlinghealth: 1627power: 276speed: 25762.10
25Singing Sunflowerhealth: 1709power: 257speed: 25762.10
25Panther Cubhealth: 1302power: 289speed: 30562.10
25Ash'anahealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Legshealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Scooter the Snailhealth: 1969power: 276speed: 19562.10
25Pterrordax Hatchlinghealth: 1156power: 322speed: 30562.10
25Voodoo Figurinehealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Infernal Pyreclawhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Blazing Firehawkhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Hyjal Bear Cubhealth: 1562power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Lil' Tarecgosahealth: 1627power: 273speed: 26062.10
25Creepy Cratehealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Nutshealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Brilliant Kalirihealth: 1384power: 322speed: 25762.10
25Darkmoon Cubhealth: 1319power: 292speed: 29262.10
25Bandicoonhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Hyjal Wisphealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Spiketail Beaverhealth: 1562power: 276speed: 26062.10
25Tiny Harvesterhealth: 1627power: 273speed: 26062.10
25Sapphire Cubhealth: 1075power: 260speed: 39062.10
25Stone Armadillohealth: 1709power: 244speed: 27362.10
25Twilight Iguanahealth: 1400power: 276speed: 29262.10
25Stout Alementalhealth: 1400power: 341speed: 24462.10
25Nether Faerie Dragonhealth: 1319power: 276speed: 32562.10
25Pollyhealth: 1237power: 260speed: 35762.10
25Fishyhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Twilight Fiendlinghealth: 1400power: 292speed: 27662.10
25Singing Crickethealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Lucky Quilen Cubhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Hoplinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Terrible Turniphealth: 1481power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Spiderhealth: 1237power: 276speed: 34162.10
25Venushealth: 1400power: 292speed: 27662.10
25Mechanical Pandaren Dragonlinghealth: 1400power: 276speed: 30962.10
25Aqua Striderhealth: 1319power: 227speed: 37462.10
25Elementium Geodehealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Strand Crabhealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Emperor Crabhealth: 1481power: 357speed: 21162.10
25Mudshell Conchhealth: 1725power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Desert Spiderhealth: 1319power: 292speed: 29262.10
25Restless Shadelinghealth: 1627power: 260speed: 27362.10
25Fel Flamehealth: 1806power: 260speed: 24462.10
25Grinderhealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Lumpyhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Pebblehealth: 1969power: 260speed: 21162.10
25Withershealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Highlands Turkeyhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Clouded Hedgehoghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Jade Tentaclehealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Sea Gullhealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Effervescent Glowflyhealth: 1384power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Darkmoon Monkeyhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Darkmoon Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Darkmoon Glowflyhealth: 1546power: 244speed: 30562.10
25Red Crickethealth: 1197power: 370speed: 24962.10
25Giant Bone Spiderhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Harbinger of Flamehealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Ashstone Corehealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Untamed Hatchlinghealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Death Talon Whelpguardhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Mini Mindslayerhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Stitched Puphealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Anubisath Idolhealth: 1725power: 276speed: 24462.10
25Corefire Imphealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Chrominiushealth: 1644power: 276speed: 26062.10
25Stunted Yetihealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Arcane Eyehealth: 1481power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Emerald Proto-Whelphealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Living Sandlinghealth: 1709power: 260speed: 25762.10
25Stormstruck Beaverhealth: 1400power: 341speed: 24462.10
25Nexus Whelplinghealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Infinite Whelplinghealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Pierrehealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Zandalari Kneebiterhealth: 1302power: 305speed: 28962.10
25Sunreaver Micro-Sentryhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Harmonious Porcupettehealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Syd the Squidhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Tiny White Carphealth: 1400power: 276speed: 29262.10
25Mud Jumperhealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Ji-Kun Hatchlinghealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Zandalari Anklerenderhealth: 1237power: 341speed: 27662.10
25Zandalari Footslasherhealth: 1237power: 305speed: 30562.10
25Zandalari Toenibblerhealth: 1237power: 305speed: 30562.10
25Direhorn Runthealth: 1522power: 276speed: 26862.10
25Unborn Val'kyrhealth: 1562power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Gahz'rookihealth: 1400power: 297speed: 28162.10
25Phoenix Hawk Hatchlinghealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Pocket Reaverhealth: 1441power: 341speed: 23662.10
25Filthlinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Menagerie Custodianhealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Lil' Bad Wolfhealth: 1319power: 341speed: 26062.10
25Rascal-Bothealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Lil' Blinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Ominous Flamehealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Skunky Alementalhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Flamering Mothhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Dandelion Frolickerhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Droplet of Y'Shaarjhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Bonkershealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Treasure Goblinhealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Hogshealth: 1546power: 314speed: 23662.10
25Dread Hatchlinghealth: 1420power: 288speed: 29262.10
25Iron Starlettehealth: 1546power: 305speed: 24462.10
25Frostwolf Puphealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Lifelike Mechanical Frostboarhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Autumnal Sproutlinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Sun Sproutlinghealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Soul of the Forgehealth: 1831power: 265speed: 22762.10
25Molten Corgihealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Icespine Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Teroclaw Hatchlinghealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Twilight Wasphealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Albino River Calfhealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Sky-Bohealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Crackershealth: 1339power: 333speed: 26462.10
25Mechanical Axebeakhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Widget the Departedhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Netherspawn, Spawn of Netherspawnhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Ancient Nest Guardianhealth: 1627power: 257speed: 27662.10
25Frostwolf Ghostpuphealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Ikkyhealth: 1319power: 322speed: 27362.10
25Hydralinghealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Cerulean Mothhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Doom Bloomhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Everbloom Peachickhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Ore Eaterhealth: 1424power: 265speed: 30562.10
25Dusty Sporewinghealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Kelp Scuttlerhealth: 1319power: 357speed: 24462.10
25Fen Crabhealth: 1319power: 357speed: 24462.10
25Bone Serpenthealth: 1400power: 325speed: 24462.10
25Crimson Sporehealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Leviathan Hatchlinghealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Stinkrothealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Wretched Servanthealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Fel Puphealth: 1319power: 276speed: 32562.10
25Fledgling Kingfeatherhealth: 1465power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Slithershock Elverhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Cinder Puphealth: 1237power: 341speed: 27662.10
25Lost Netherpuphealth: 1359power: 281speed: 30562.10
25Left Sharkhealth: 1441power: 292speed: 26862.10
25Crusherhealth: 1587power: 297speed: 24462.10
25Shard of Cyrukhhealth: 1278power: 314speed: 28962.10
25Nibbleshealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Savage Cubhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Ashmaw Cubhealth: 1806power: 260speed: 24462.10
25Northern Hawk Owlhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Eye of Inquisitionhealth: 1465power: 297speed: 26862.10
25Extinguished Eyehealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Emmigosahealth: 1400power: 273speed: 30562.10
25Dream Whelplinghealth: 1465power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Grumplinghealth: 1441power: 341speed: 23662.10
25Juvenile Scuttlebackhealth: 1465power: 292speed: 27362.10
25Spectral Spinnerhealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Shimmering Aquaflyhealth: 1465power: 257speed: 30562.10
25Ghastly Rathealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Ghost Maggothealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Black-Footed Fox Kithealth: 1441power: 268speed: 29262.10
25Tiny Apparitionhealth: 1562power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Crispinhealth: 1319power: 322speed: 27362.10
25Bleakwater Jellyhealth: 1359power: 305speed: 28162.10
25Sewer-Pipe Jellyhealth: 1506power: 276speed: 28162.10
25Fel Piglethealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Energized Manafiendhealth: 1339power: 272speed: 32562.10
25Erudite Manafiendhealth: 1485power: 272speed: 28962.10
25Empowered Manafiendhealth: 1339power: 337speed: 26062.10
25Thistleleaf Adventurerhealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Fetid Wavelinghealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Risen Saber Kittenhealth: 1319power: 292speed: 29262.10
25Leyline Broodlinghealth: 1384power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Baby Elderhornhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Triggerhealth: 1725power: 276speed: 24462.10
25Corgi Puphealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Corgneliushealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Felbat Puphealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Firebat Puphealth: 1465power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Orphaned Felbathealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Sunborne Val'kyrhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Wyrmy Tunkinshealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Bloodgazer Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Direbeak Hatchlinghealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Snowfeather Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Sting Ray Puphealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Horde Fanatichealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Young Mutant Warturtlehealth: 1709power: 273speed: 24462.10
25Untethered Wyrmlinghealth: 1441power: 317speed: 26062.10
25Stormborne Whelplinghealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Hungering Clawhealth: 1546power: 292speed: 25762.10
25Court Scribehealth: 1319power: 305speed: 28962.10
25Benaxhealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Felspiderhealth: 1302power: 289speed: 30562.10
25Boneshardhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Alarm-o-Bothealth: 1725power: 244speed: 27662.10
25Naxxyhealth: 1969power: 260speed: 21162.10
25Trashyhealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Infinite Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 341speed: 24462.10
25Feline Familiarhealth: 1221power: 322speed: 28962.10
25Scrapshealth: 1359power: 281speed: 30562.10
25Bile Larvahealth: 1709power: 273speed: 24062.10
25Bilescourgehealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Skyfin Juvenilehealth: 1481power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Copper Hopperhealth: 1457power: 271speed: 28662.10
25Motorized Croakerhealth: 1449power: 291speed: 27562.10
25Bound Streamhealth: 1319power: 260speed: 34162.10
25Faceless Minionhealth: 1400power: 297speed: 28162.10
25Blazehoundhealth: 1465power: 257speed: 30562.10
25Grasping Manifestationhealth: 1400power: 276speed: 30962.10
25Orphaned Marsuulhealth: 1465power: 260speed: 30562.10
25Docile Skyfinhealth: 1806power: 260speed: 24462.10
25Fel-Afflicted Skyfinhealth: 1481power: 325speed: 24462.10
25Tottlehealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Accursed Hexxerhealth: 1404power: 314speed: 26162.10
25Spectral Ravenhealth: 1546power: 236speed: 31462.10
25Darthealth: 1481power: 292speed: 26062.10
25Honey Beehealth: 1664power: 272speed: 26062.10
25Silithid Mini-Tankhealth: 1506power: 289speed: 26862.10
25Miimiihealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Wicker Puphealth: 1587power: 236speed: 30562.10
25Aldrusian Sproutlinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Teeny Titan Orbhealth: 1400power: 276speed: 29262.10
25Fozlinghealth: 1522power: 284speed: 26062.10
25Captain Nibshealth: 1424power: 301speed: 26962.10
25Tragg the Curioushealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Dasherhealth: 1465power: 272speed: 29362.10
25Zur'aj the Depletedhealth: 1506power: 244speed: 31462.10
25Chickenhealth: 1435power: 252speed: 25257.32
25Black Rathealth: 1360power: 237speed: 28257.32
25Stripe-Tailed Scorpidhealth: 1300power: 267speed: 26757.32
25Dusk Spiderlinghealth: 1210power: 267speed: 28257.32
25Festering Maggothealth: 1585power: 240speed: 23757.32
25Maggothealth: 1750power: 240speed: 21057.32
25Scorpidhealth: 1300power: 267speed: 26757.32
25Mountain Skunkhealth: 1375power: 255speed: 25557.32
25Lava Crabhealth: 1510power: 255speed: 23757.32
25Widow Spiderlinghealth: 1225power: 270speed: 27057.32
25Rattlesnakehealth: 1360power: 240speed: 28257.32
25Emerald Boahealth: 1360power: 240speed: 28257.32
25Horny Toadhealth: 1450power: 240speed: 25557.32
25Infected Fawnhealth: 1435power: 267speed: 23757.32
25Little Black Ramhealth: 1375power: 255speed: 25557.32
25Harpy Younglinghealth: 1435power: 252speed: 25257.32
25Leatherhide Runthealth: 1525power: 270speed: 21057.32
25Waterflyhealth: 1435power: 237speed: 26757.32
25Fledgling Olivebackhealth: 1225power: 300speed: 25557.32
25Long-Eared Owlhealth: 1375power: 300speed: 22557.32
25Dust Bunnyhealth: 1360power: 222speed: 29757.32
25Coastal Sandpiperhealth: 1300power: 240speed: 30057.32
25Flickering Argunitehealth: 1510power: 240speed: 25257.32
25Arcane Gorgerhealth: 1638power: 233speed: 24057.32
25Pygmy Marsuulhealth: 1285power: 252speed: 28257.32
25Young Sand Sifterhealth: 1319power: 248speed: 27457.32
25Golden Eaglethealth: 1200power: 220speed: 27552.55
23Experimental Roachhealth: 1744power: 239speed: 20951.96
23Grizzly Squirrelhealth: 1204power: 246speed: 24647.96
23Vale Marmothealth: 1480power: 221speed: 22147.96
23Frostfur Rathealth: 1428power: 217speed: 23547.96
23Garden Froghealth: 1342power: 221speed: 23547.96
23Shadowback Crawlerhealth: 1259power: 246speed: 23247.96
23Returned Hatchlinghealth: 1363power: 221speed: 23547.96
23Giant Woodwormhealth: 1259power: 232speed: 24647.96
23River Otterhealth: 1377power: 235speed: 21447.96
23Forest Spiderlinghealth: 1135power: 248speed: 24847.96
23Shore Crabhealth: 1549power: 221speed: 20747.96
23Albatross Chickhealth: 1342power: 248speed: 20747.96
23Gleamhoof Fawnhealth: 1273power: 235speed: 23547.96
23Clanking Scrapsorterhealth: 1235power: 213speed: 27847.96
23Abyssal Slitherlinghealth: 1135power: 245speed: 26647.96
23Inland Croakerhealth: 1239power: 283speed: 20747.96
23Freshwater Crawlerhealth: 1204power: 221speed: 27647.96
23Leafy Flutterwinghealth: 1204power: 200speed: 29747.96
23River Froghealth: 1204power: 246speed: 24647.96
23Malfunctioning Microbothealth: 1280power: 236speed: 23747.96
23Boghopperhealth: 1065power: 193speed: 27243.97
23Terror Larvahealth: 1428power: 215speed: 17743.97
23Sandyback Crawlerhealth: 1257power: 222speed: 19743.97
23Sticky Oozelinghealth: 1492power: 190speed: 19043.97
23Elusive Skimmerhealth: 1112power: 202speed: 25343.97
23Parasitic Boarflyhealth: 1226power: 213speed: 21543.97
23Shack Crabhealth: 1226power: 213speed: 21343.97
23Barrier Hermithealth: 1163power: 213speed: 22543.97
23Baby Zandalari Raptorhealth: 1080power: 196speed: 26643.97
23Chitterspine Skitterlinghealth: 1017power: 214speed: 26143.97
22Resilient Roachhealth: 1486power: 185speed: 22443.50
23Golden Beetlehealth: 991power: 236speed: 18439.97
23Royal Mothhealth: 1020power: 205speed: 20539.97
23Coralback Fiddlerhealth: 963power: 196speed: 23039.97
23Rustbolt Cluckerhealth: 1158power: 177speed: 20539.97
23Alloyed Alleyrathealth: 1020power: 202speed: 20539.97
23Scrapyard Tunnelerhealth: 1101power: 198speed: 19339.97
23Felcrazed Wyrmhealth: 1152power: 205speed: 17839.97
23Hermit Crabhealth: 934power: 193speed: 23939.97
23Junkheap Roachhealth: 1103power: 205speed: 18839.97
18Vengeful Chickenhealth: 1094power: 199speed: 19930.43
17Detective Rayhealth: 987power: 191speed: 19926.72
16Ancona Chickenhealth: 984power: 177speed: 17723.47
16Lil' War Machinehealth: 1192power: 177speed: 14623.47
15Baby Stonehidehealth: 968power: 188speed: 14120.35
15Lava Beetlehealth: 730power: 141speed: 12015.65
14Ash Spiderlinghealth: 708power: 131speed: 14514.69
12Ashleaf Spritelinghealth: 716power: 143speed: 13512.32
12Forest Sproutlinghealth: 755power: 139speed: 13112.32
12Bathealth: 595power: 132speed: 11210.43
11Whiskers the Rathealth: 736power: 120speed: 1229.98
11Feral Vermlinghealth: 701power: 120speed: 1279.98
11Tiny Green Carphealth: 665power: 120speed: 1349.98
11Lil' Ben'fonhealth: 779power: 114speed: 1149.98
11Needleback Puphealth: 718power: 136speed: 1099.98
11Snakehealth: 540power: 94speed: 997.68
10Roachhealth: 664power: 89speed: 1077.39
10Giraffe Calfhealth: 550power: 75speed: 906.16
9Blood Boilhealth: 591power: 104speed: 986.14
9Amethyst Shale Hatchlinghealth: 516power: 83speed: 885.19
8Tiny Twisterhealth: 492power: 78speed: 703.88
7Tirisfal Batlinghealth: 528power: 77speed: 723.13
7Scaleyhealth: 494power: 86speed: 703.13
7Lofty Libramhealth: 423power: 69speed: 652.65
7Rock Viperhealth: 380power: 60speed: 632.41
7Alpine Chipmunkhealth: 412power: 62speed: 562.41
6Child of Pa'kuhealth: 407power: 71speed: 681.96
6Baby Winstonhealth: 437power: 71speed: 621.96
6Voidwigglerhealth: 457power: 69speed: 601.96
6Lil' Nefarianhealth: 457power: 73speed: 571.96
6Rat Snakehealth: 388power: 61speed: 651.81
6Huge Toadhealth: 442power: 58speed: 581.81
6Spirit Crabhealth: 456power: 65speed: 501.81
6Twilight Spiderhealth: 348power: 59speed: 591.66
6Infested Bear Cubhealth: 397power: 53speed: 421.51
6Venomspitter Hatchlinghealth: 337power: 51speed: 561.51
5Skunkhealth: 355power: 51speed: 511.14
5Mana Wyrmlinghealth: 352power: 53speed: 501.14
5Coral Snakehealth: 310power: 42speed: 450.95
5Blighted Squirrelhealth: 323power: 45speed: 400.95
5Shimmershell Snailhealth: 350power: 45speed: 330.95
4Cursed Birmanhealth: 308power: 46speed: 460.73
4Cathealth: 268power: 41speed: 500.67
4Small Froghealth: 316power: 38speed: 410.67
4Toadhealth: 280power: 32speed: 340.56
4Cheetah Cubhealth: 220power: 32speed: 480.56
3Turquoise Turtlehealth: 271power: 29speed: 290.38
2Prairie Doghealth: 196power: 18speed: 250.12
2Harehealth: 196power: 17speed: 260.12
2Undercity Cockroachhealth: 202power: 17speed: 250.12
2Mousehealth: 196power: 18speed: 250.12
2Alpine Harehealth: 207power: 17speed: 240.12
2Lost of Lordaeronhealth: 208power: 22speed: 180.12
2Gazelle Fawnhealth: 195power: 19speed: 240.12
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